This novel will speak to you

June 20, 2014 by Robin Perron “Robin” on Amazon | 5.0 out of 5 stars

He & She by Wayne Clark is a thought provoking piece of erotic fiction which centers around a 50-plus year old man has spent most of his life not truly living. That is until he finds the website for a local dominatrix whom he believes looks like an Egyptian princess. The novel is mostly about him during various phases of life. It tells how he began his career as a translator as well as how he transitioned from working for a firm to doing translations as a freelancer. We learn about his saxophone playing and his relationships with a few women. The most true to life aspect of the story, however, is how drastically his life changed when he met his Egyptian Princess and is finally able to live his life long fantasies. While not everyone can identify with the need to be dominated by another, we can all identify with the need to live a life that is true to who we really are. We have all experienced a time in our lives where we are searching for who that really is and that is the aspect of this book that I like the most. If you enjoy erotic novels with BDSM in them then He & She has that for you as well. All in all He & She was a great read.

Wayne is a Montreal based writer, editor and translator.

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